dijous, 4 de novembre del 2010


Liss is a young girl, who has 19 years old. She is very nice and beautiful, and she is responsible, because she look after her brothers, Mark and John, they have got 7 and 11 years old. She don't work, because her family is very rich. and she is married with a men who have got 10 years more than her.
Two days ago Liss and her husband, Jorch, went to buy a home, outside the city, because they love the calm. Yesterday they started put the furniture in the home. Today, she go to the bedroom, and start to look out the window, she think that all is perfect, have a husband, one home, and start a new life. But suddenly, she sees that there is a letter on the bed, is a letter of love! for Jorch, He have a lover, it's horrible!
A week later, Jorch and Liss will divorced. Liss will stay at home with her brothers and going to try to start a new live.

diumenge, 19 de setembre del 2010

How do you learn English better?


1- Pair work
2- Oral practice to improve
3- Instruccions and extra material
4- Native speaker (David)
5- Checking homework


1- Long grammar lesons
2- Talk with the partner
3- Sitting at the back
4- Read a lot in the class
5- No hommework every day

dimecres, 21 d’abril del 2010

Increible Inventions

I chose this invention because when I saw it, I thought it's fun, useful and amazing. I've never seen a drawer in stairs, and I think that is a good invention.

dilluns, 1 de març del 2010


I choose this advertisement because is very beautiful and original, I thing that is it art because is a diferent thing. In this advertisement we can see a plastic bag and there are a image of a child and when you catch de plastig bag seems to take her hand.

dimecres, 17 de febrer del 2010

Anuncio Publicitario

Judith i Laura

dimecres, 2 de desembre del 2009

Efectos vocales

Te esperé en ese tren, en el que te besé.
Ven, me perteneces, créeme.
Te leeré en este césped verde,
que querer es entender.
¡Respétenme! Deben entender que verle…
es perderme en él.

dissabte, 31 d’octubre del 2009



In June I and my football team have gone in a tournament in “El Collell” We have won all matches and won the first prize, was amazing because we had never won a tournament.


I've never gone to see a football match Barcelona-Madrid, I think it should be great because the football is my favourite sport and Barça is my favourite team.